Martiza López McBean, coordinator of the Red Barrial Afrodescendiente, sits with my daughters in sculptor Margarita Montalvo’s home. Photo by Cindy García, 2019. -- Martiza López McBean, coordinadora de la Red Barrial Afrodescendiente, sentada con mis hijas en casa de la escultora Margarita Montalvo. Foto de Cindy García, 2019.

Gratitude and Openings

by Cindy García Leer en español A decolonial feminist publication that strives to be methodologically queer, non-hierarchical, and anti-racist takes time, especially across languages, cultures, and time zones during a global pandemic, a Trump administration that incited an insurrection, a neighbohood on fire after police killed George Floyd, and as Cubans continue to grapple with…

Photograph of beach, ocean, and sky probably taken out of a car window

Meditative Movements

In 2018, during my first trip to Cuba, I, along with a group of US-based scholars, had the honor of speaking at the inaugural Theoretical and Methodological Workshop on Afro-diasporic Studies. This international symposium, hosted by the prestigious institute, Casa de las Americas, brought together scholars, activists and other peoples immersed in afrodescendant contexts. Although I was invited to speak on black visibility, my true desire was to learn.